Inbound Leads For Just $2. Will Leads42 Work For You?

Take the do-it-yourself, Internet Marketing Acid Test… call if you need help; 877-870-8741

87% of people now research their purchases online* before making a decision on who they will give their money to. And when people search, they now search multiple reference sites including search engines, IYP’s, local sites and social media – all for a single purchase! If a business does not have a comprehensive ‘search presence’, it will lose out to those that do.

The big question is; are YOUR prospects included in that group that searches online? Do they look online for information that will help them make a decision on what they should buy and who they should buy from?

While the answer to that question is probably ‘yes’, we must concede that it is possible that your industry is not one which people are researching online. And if your prospects aren’t doing online research, then there is no point in having an online budget to reach them, right?

On the other hand, if your prospects are online and they are looking for product information or the phone number of a supplier to give them a quote or to otherwise initiate a buying relationship, then you want to know that as well.

This do-it-yourself, internet marketing Acid Test will help you answer these important questions. If you need help with the test, give us a call at 877-870-8741.

Diagnostic Question # 1 – Are your prospects looking?

With close to 25 Billion searches in the US market last month, how many were for information about your products/services? To find the answer, do this; Use your favorite search engine to search for ‘Google External Keyword Tool‘. Google moves the tool around every now and then, but at the time of writing it is located here:

Part A – Enter keyword criteria

Screenshot of Google Keyword tool:

Step # 1 – Type in keywords that represent what people might enter if they were looking for information about your industry.
Step # 2 – Type in the security word
Step # 3 – Select the country you are targeting
Step # 4 – Click the search button.

Part B – Review results

Screenshot of search results:

The results will tell you how many MONTHLY Global and Local searches there are for the keywords that you inputed. If there are significant numbers, you have answered the first question ‘are people searching online for information on your industry’?

Diagnostic Question # 2 – Are they looking to buy?

Just because people are looking online, it doesn’t necessarily mean they want to buy something. For example, perhaps students are researching the industry for their term papers, or maybe your competitors are looking online for competitive intelligence. This next diagnostic question is what proportion of the searches represent ‘commercial intent?

Thankfully, Microsoft has provided an easy-to-use tool to help you better understand the motive of the searcher. At time of writing, the tool is located here:
If it has moved by the time you read this, you can find it by searching for ”Microsoft commercial intent tool‘.

Screenshot of commercial intent too:


Note: Unlike Google’s keyword tool, you can only enter one keyword or phrase at a time.

3. Review results:

Example of positive results:

Example of negative results:


(Call if you'd like help; 877-870-8741)

You’ll either get results that say ‘Non-Commercial Intention’ or ‘Commercial Intention’. Generally anything that is listed as ‘Commercial Intent’ has a probability of being a positive result. The number eg. ‘0.76’  is a probability, which is a statistical term and you can use the number as a predictor of reliability. The higher the number (‘1’ is the highest), the more reliable the prediction is that the phrase or word you entered is used with commercial intent.

The commercial intent tool requires some art but is a great tool once you get the feel for it. While the results can appear conflicting, the numbers are based on lots of search data so it’s best not to ignore them outright. Remember to try multiple keyword variations. Understanding how people research your industry can be enlightening and in the end, will help you make better decisions about how to set strategy.


If your industry terms enjoy a reasonable number of search queries and have commercial intent that are on the positive side of the spectrum, then you have answered the two most important questions you need to answer before you embark upon any internet marketing program. There is no question that you should be marketing online. The only questions are; what exactly should you do and how do you get there?


If people are looking, can you be found? The Leads42 program will place you on all of the important search engines, IYP’s, local directories and even Facebook. We cover all of our 7 primary channels of search and create a comprehensive ‘search presence’, making sure you can be found when your prospects are looking.

The Leads42 program provides inbound phone leads for just $2 each. An annual maintenance fee enables us to provide complete call-tracking so you know exactly when calls came in, how long they lasted and even who the caller was (CallerID). Leads42 offers you an exceptional and inexpensive vehicle for building your business. Continue to the next step and review the components that are included in the Leads42 program.

Pricing Options

You have two options…
1. Pay a one-time setup fee plus annual maintenance
2. Try the system out – Pay just $2.00 per inbound call plus annual maintenance


Need help? Call: 877-870-8741

*Google, Nov 2010